睿达九州电子有限公司是一家集开发、设计、制造于一体的**机械制造厂。目前所生产的设备,已达几十个品种,主要产品有紫外线干燥系统、曝光机、无尘烤箱、晒版机、UV输送线及代理各国进口灯管,在鞋业、PCB、电子、涂装、印刷、液晶等众多领域得到广泛应用。 Light Machine Industry Co;Ltd.is a professional mannufacturer of UV light machine /precision industry over /exposure machine,in the mean time act as a agency of foreign UV light and relate parts. Since thg company has founded,We have obtained good reputation from customer over thg domestic and oversea market with our hardworking、top quality、reasonable price and good after-sale service.Our company now is growing and developing based its rich human resources,top quality,advanced techonlogies,advanced inspect equipment and excellent management experience..